
Burn Witch Burn by A. Merritt
Burn Witch Burn by A. Merritt

Dwellers has a cover crease, small splits to spine extremities, and is VG. Moon Pool has faint cover creases and is VG+. Creep Shadow has a slight spine tilt, spine crease, corner crease, wear to spine extremities, and is VG.

Burn Witch Burn by A. Merritt

Burn Witch has spine and cover creases, edgewear, and is VG.

Burn Witch Burn by A. Merritt

Seven Footprints has a 1 inch split to the spine bottom, spine and cover creases, edgewear, and is good-VG. These are the FIRST Avon printings of these 8 volumes, all were subsequently reprinted by Avon, some many times, in standard paperback formats. Merritt books issued by Avon in the digest format in their Murder Mystery Monthly series (# 1, Seven Footprints, was issued as a Murder of the Month, before the series underwent a name change). These 8 volumes are the COMPLETE SET of A. Merritt, reprinting earlier hardcover editions (except for # 41 The Metal Monster, which is a first edition paperback original).

Burn Witch Burn by A. Merritt

From 1942 to 1946, Avon issued these 8 science fiction / fantasy / horror novels by A.

Burn Witch Burn by A. Merritt