Dwellers has a cover crease, small splits to spine extremities, and is VG. Moon Pool has faint cover creases and is VG+. Creep Shadow has a slight spine tilt, spine crease, corner crease, wear to spine extremities, and is VG.

Burn Witch has spine and cover creases, edgewear, and is VG.

Seven Footprints has a 1 inch split to the spine bottom, spine and cover creases, edgewear, and is good-VG. These are the FIRST Avon printings of these 8 volumes, all were subsequently reprinted by Avon, some many times, in standard paperback formats. Merritt books issued by Avon in the digest format in their Murder Mystery Monthly series (# 1, Seven Footprints, was issued as a Murder of the Month, before the series underwent a name change). These 8 volumes are the COMPLETE SET of A. Merritt, reprinting earlier hardcover editions (except for # 41 The Metal Monster, which is a first edition paperback original).

From 1942 to 1946, Avon issued these 8 science fiction / fantasy / horror novels by A.